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Giving young people a voice

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 6th November, 2017

My presentation at last week’s ASN Provision in Education:  Priorities, Potential and the 10-Year strategy was about the assistive and communication technology expertise that CALL Scotland has and shares nationally and how this directly corresponds to the services within scope that have been identified by the Strategic Commissioning Project Board.

It has been stated that the Commissioning process for national services will be inclusive, transparent, innovative, focussed on excellence.  (Page 9, The right help at the right time in the right place:  Scotland’s Ten Year Strategy for the Learning Provision for Children and Young People with Complex Additional Support Needs 2017-2026)

The ‘inclusive’ category clearly says ‘involving service users’

How we can engage children and young people with complex additional support needs in the decision making process on matters that relate to their education, care and future?


There are many assistive technology options for children and young people with complex additional support needs e.g. low tech Talking Mats which ‘can help people to arrive at a decision by providing a structure where information is presented in small chunks supported by symbols.’ (AAC Scotland)

Talking Mats.

Use a communication device such as Go Talk 20+ with it’s 100 message capacity or use an iPad or tablet device with a communication app to facilitate a dialogue, elicit opinions and have their voice physically heard using voice output from the device.


Proloquo2go communication app

These are just a few examples of possible assistive technology solutions.  You can learn more about Alternative and Augmentative Communication on our AAC Scotland website which has a many resources, online learning modules and information about the technology that can give children and young people a voice.

And if you don’t? Well, this picture illustrates one young person feeling small, confused and not listened to...



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