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Have your say on ASL in Scotland

Posted by Paul Nisbet on the 25th November, 2019

Have you got something to say about additional support for learning in Scotland? You have a chance to give your views and experiences by taking part in the ASL Review.

If you are a parent, carer, teacher, practitioner or learner (or anyone else) you can contact Angela Morgan, who is leading the review by emailing her at ChairASLindependentreview@outlook.com.

Angela is particularly keen to hear of examples - both large and small - where things have worked well.

She would also like to know:

All contributions will be treated and respected as anonymous.

Send your comments before the end of December 2019.

What's your experience with assistive and communication technology?

If you have views on assistive and communication technology, now is your chance to have your say.

Have you had good experiences where technology has made a difference for you or your children or the learners that you are teaching and supporting?

Or have you had difficulties in identifying and obtaining assistive and communication technology and implementing it for your learners?

What would you like to see more of, in terms of assistive and communication technologies? What would you like to see less of?

We know that assistive technology can be life-changing but we also know that identifying appropriate tools requires expertise and experience, and that learners, staff and parents often benefit from help and support. By making your views known we all find out where and how things are working well, and where we can collectively do better.

Find out more at the Additional support for learning review and the statement from Angela Morgan.

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