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The tech and the talk event - May 18th

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 23rd March, 2017

Have you been looking for a forum to discuss Assistive Technology with like minded people?  This could be the one for you...

We have created a new email forum, ‘CALL Assistive Technology (AT) Community. It’s an informal space for people with a common interest to:

If you are a teacher, Support for Learning assistant, a professional in a supporting role, a practitioner, an Assistive Technology supplier or a parent/carer who is interested in supporting pupils with assistive technology, then this group is for you!

Join today and come along to our first Teach Meet social event on 18th May at the University of Edinburgh. We want CALL-AT-Community members to benefit from meeting up in a relaxed post work setting with refreshments and share knowledge in a Teach Meet format of presenters either speaking for 3, 5 or 7 minutes on a particular subject.

The joining link is http://bit.ly//CALL-AT-COMMUNITY

Look forward to chatting with you online and / or at the event on the 18th May :)


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