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Isla the Scottish Voice - female teenager, English language, Mac

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SAPI5 voice created by CereProc for CALL Scotland

Price: £ 24.99 per licence

Details: Downloadable item

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SAPI5 Text to Speech female Scottish synthetic voice (English Language).

The voice can be used by a whole range of communication aids and different software programs.

Minimum computer specification:

  • Windows XP or above (Windows 2000 is not officially supported, but does work if SAPI has been upgraded to version 5)
  • 512Mb RAM
  • 1GHz Processor
  • 250Mb free disk space

If the voice is to be used by the following, then you can obtain it free from The Scottish Voice website:

  • publicly-funded schools, colleges, universities, the NHS or government agencies in Scotland;
  • the support services of such agencies; or
  • pupils, students and NHS patients of such oganisations, for home and personal use.

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