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Boardmaker Online Subscribers, action required!

Posted by Claire Harrison on the 28th August, 2020

Changes for Boardmaker Online Subscribers, action required!

We know lots of schools use Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) in Boardmaker software to create learning and communication activities. Boardmaker Online will under-go a significant change in the Autumn, becoming ‘Boardmaker 7’.

The launch of Boardmaker 7 will affect Boardmaker Online subscribers so if you or your school or local authority already have a subscription to Boardmaker Online, you will need to make sure that you have downloaded the Boardmaker 7 update to your computer. This update may need to be installed by your school IT services, depending on how your local authority IT is set up. So, it’s definitely worth thinking about now, rather than in a couple of months!

I’ve just downloaded the update to my laptop without any problems. I signed into my Boardmaker Online subscription, went to ‘My Homepage’ and there was a clickable Boardmaker 7 update link. When Boardmaker 7 is released the Boardmaker Online editor will cease to exist, so for those of you who rely on it for making symbolised materials, this update is crucial! 

Information about Boardmaker 7 is available in various places online including on the Tobii Dynavox website, the Boardmaker Twitter account @goboardmaker and on their Facebook Page. There are also lots of free webinars which introduce the new software and explain how to transition to Boardmaker 7.

You can sign up for them here:



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