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AAC Users, Parents, Carers & Families - Consultation

Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 2nd March, 2022

Are you an AAC user or a parent, carer or family member of an AAC user living in Scotland? Have you accessed or tried to access AAC support and services since March 2018? If 'yes,' a new AAC engagement group would like to hear about your lived experience of using AAC and accessing AAC services, to assist with shaping services going forward.

Why are AAC users, parents, carers and family members being consulted?

It's almost exactly 4 years since the new AAC legislation commenced on 19 March 2018, which covers provision of AAC equipment and support to use it, for children and adults from all care groups. Work is ongoing to assess the impact and guide the implementation of the legislation and a new AAC engagement group want to ensure that AAC users, their parents, carers and family member views are taken into account.

Who is working on the consultation?

The AAC engagement group has representatives from the: 

How can you take part?

If you are interested in sharing your experiences and views, we ask you to make contact by email and tell us that you would like to take part.

Email: aacengagement@gov.scot

You will then be invited to share your views in variety of ways, such as through online or in-person, individual or group discussions. You will be contacted with details, after the initial call for partitipcants has closed.

When is the consultation happening?

We are currently collecting a list of individuals wishing to take part, which will close on 1st April, so please email now.

You can also help by passing this information on to others in your networks and sharing this leaflet.

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