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Bookbug Picture Book Prize winner announced!

Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 12th January, 2017

The winner of the first Bookbug Picture Book Prize 2017 is Shark in the Park on a Windy Day by Nick Sharratt.

Well done to Nick!

Around 19,000 children across Scotland voted in the competition and the three nominated books were gifted to every p1 child in Scotland in the Bookbug P1 Family Bag during National Book Week in November. 

All three books; Shark in the Park on a Windy Day by Nick Sharratt, There's a Bear on My Chair by Ross Collins and Hare and Tortoise by Alison Murray have been very popular in our household!


Remember that all three books are still available in accessible digital format (Narrated PowerPoint for PC and Keynote for iPad) for children with a Print Disability (which makes it hard for them to read the paper copy) from CALL Scotland.

Request the 3 accessible books.

Symbolised resources to accompany each book and for fun activities related to the stories are also available for FREE download from CALL Scotland.

Download the symbolised resources

Accessible digital copies of the last 7 years' P1 Bookbug Family Pack books are also available from the Books For All Database.

Download the accessible books via the PowerPoint Books for Young Readers PDF

Symbolised resources for the last 3 years' P1 Bookbug Family Bag also continue to be available for FREE download too!

Download the archived symbolised resources

So, lots of FREE ready made symbol resources to use with children with communication difficulties, EAL and any early readers!

Go get them before that Shark turns up again................


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