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Seeking Participants for Learning Disability Research Workshop

Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 23rd January, 2017

Are you interested in influencing new research into learning disability? Are you a service user, parent or carer with experience of learning disability? 

Participants are being sought for a research priority-setting workshop to be held in March, in London. The purpose, to identify a ‘Top 10’ list of research questions aimed at helping funders, universities and researchers to do the research that matters to people with speech, language, communication and swallowing difficulties.

Service users, parents and carers with experience of learning disability, in particular are required, which might include experience with:

The workshop in on 27th March 2017 from 10.30am – 4pm in London, and is being run by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) and the National Institute for Health Research. Travel expenses will be paid in full.

Read here for a short guide to the workshop and/or visit the RCSLT website.

Please contact Lauren Longhurst, RCSLT Research & Development Officer by 31st January to note your interest and for more information. An easy-read guide is also available.

Email - lauren.longhurst@rcslt.org

Phone – 0207 378 3029

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