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C.O.D.E.S. Framework and Toolkit - Creating Effective and Competent Communicators


12th September, 2017

Webinar archive

Presenter(s): Debbie Jans, Keycomm

Keycomm is a multi-funded agency based in Edinburgh which helps people with communication impairments make use of technology to control their environments. 

Debbie explains how they use the C.O.D.E.S. Framework to help monitor progress of an individual using an Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) system. The framework is not an assessment tool but is for measuring effective communication post assessment following discrete guidelines and identifying skill development over time. 

An Activity Toolkit has also been developed to accompany the C.O.D.E.S Framework. The activities in the Toolkit have been collected and tested from a variety of therapists and teachers across Scotland. 

During the presentation we introduce you to the framework, planning documents and demonstrate how communication targets can be set and met by practitioners.

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