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Technology and SQA Assessment Arrangements Conversation - iPads


23rd March, 2022

Webinar archive

Presenter(s): Paul Nisbet, CALL Scotland

This webinar is an opportunity to discuss the use of iPads for pupils who require Assessment Arrangements in SQA examinations. iPads are being provided on a '1 to 1' basis to learners in secondary schools in Glasgow, Scottish Borders, Edinburgh and Falkirk and on a needs-led basis to pupils in other locations in Scotland, while some independent schools encourage all students to bring personal iPads to school.

The webinar will comprise a short introduction to Assessment Arrangements and a demonstration of how pupils who have additional support needs might use iPads to read and access Digital Question Papers and write answers, followed by questions and discussion because there seem to be many barriers around the use of iPads in examinations.

We are describing this session as a conversation because educational technology has changed hugely since 2019 and there is a need for all stakeholders involved with assessment and examinations to share knowledge and experiences to plan for the future. We hope to be joined by colleagues from SQA.

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