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18th January, 2024

CALL Scotland

CALL Scotland
A Communication and Assistive Technology Newsletter

18th January, 2024

If you need to get in touch please phone the main answerphone on 0131 651 6236 or email call.scotland@ed.ac.uk and we will get back to you.

Our latest blogs

Technology to Support ASN - a new course for 2024!

There are still some places left for our popular course 'Technology to Support Additional Support Needs' starting in February 2024.

Universal software tools to support writing for Windows, iPads and Chromebooks

A selection of free universal tools to support writing for Windows, iPads and Chromebooks.

A model for Inclusive Digital Learning for Scotland.

How can we ensure that digital learning is inclusive as more and more learners have a personal device? How do we think about and provide assistive technology when digital learning is so much more accessible?

New webinar series launched for 2024!

CALL Scotland provide a programme of 20 minute webinars as free Professional Learning opportunities. These webinars are on a range of Assistive Technology topics all with the focus on supporting children and young people with Additional Support Needs.

Training courses

90 minute Online Learning workshops - £40 per person per workshop.

see more courses...

Free webinars

30 minute online workshops delivered to your desktop.

see more webinars...

And finally...

30-minute bitesize courses

CALL Scotland now offer 30 minute bite-sized learning sessions as well as our standard 60 minute Online Learning workshops.

A list of our previous courses - recordings available to purchase

You can still purchase a recording of our previous sessions and you'll receive the resources as well!

Newsletter: join thousands of other people

Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.