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24th January, 2024
Webinar archive
Presenter(s): Willemijn Wetzels, AssistiveWare
In this webinar, Willemijn will introduce AssistiveWare's next generation AAC service based on the new Proloquo and Proloquo Coach apps.
Over ten years ago, AssistiveWare pioneered the use of consumer devices for AAC with the introduction of the popular Proloquo2Go app. Some people found the recommended grid size and the many configuration options in this app overwhelming and significantly limited key functionality in an effort to simplify the app. As a consequence, the amount and quality of language produced by AAC users and modelled by communication partners became quite restricted.
Come along and see the new product that they have designed in a bid to solve some of these issues and provide an AAC service to meet the needs of today’s population.
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