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Carers Act National Marketing Campaign

Posted by Allan Wilson on the 27th February, 2020

[Due to the ongoing public health situation posed by the Covid-19 virus, the decision has been made to postpone the Carers marketing campaign that was to launch on 30 March.]

We have been asked by the Scottish Government Carers Branch to let people know that a campaign will be launched on March 30th to raise awareness of the Carers Act.

Carers Act national marketing campaign

A national awareness campaign to support the Carers (Scotland) Act will be launched on 30 March and will run until 26 April and we ask for your support in promoting this through your networks.

Raising awareness of the Act is a key priority in the Carers Act Implementation Plan and the Carers Act Implementation Steering Group proposed a national campaign when it met with our Minister (Joe FitzPatrick). The campaign will focus on supporting carer self-identification and encouraging them to find out about support.  The call to action will be for carers to visit a landing page with information about carers rights and how to get support, hosted on NHS Inform as well as to call the Care Information Scotland hotline.

The creative concept for the campaign has been successfully tested with the target audience, a mix of non-identified and self-identified carers. The primary audience age is 45-64s with a secondary audience of 18-44 year olds however this is not to say the campaign will not resonate with others. The type of media we plan to use includes radio, social media adverts and other out of home medium including posters at bus stops, rail stations posters etc.  For those of you signed up to attend the Carers Act Learning and Sharing event on 18 March, there will be a preview of the creative design on the day.

We are working on a stakeholder toolkit which will detail the purpose and key messages of the campaign as well as the resources that your organisation can use to help promote the message. This can be shared with you for the launch of the campaign – if you’d like to receive this, please contact carerspolicy@gov.scot.

We will be measuring the impact of the campaign through numbers visiting the landing page, calling the hotline and through figures from the Carers census data collection.

SG Carers Branch

We hope this information will be useful for some readers and look forward to the launch of the campaign on 30th March.

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