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Contact form

Get in touch using our online form - which saves you time as it requires some of the questions we might ask you later:

contact form

Advice helpline

If you need some advice or training and you'd rather speak to someone, then contact us on:

Office hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday)

Find our centre

We're based in the University of Edinburgh and are a Research and Development centre as well as a working Service unit.

CALL Scotland
Paterson's Land, Moray House School of Education and Sport
University of Edinburgh
Holyrood Road
Edinburgh EH8 8AQ

Travel details

A4 parking map

Email us

If you don't wish to fill in the form then you can contact us by email:

Newsletter: join thousands of other people

Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.