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Supporting dyslexic learners at home

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 6th January, 2021

The use of technology can be so important to a learner struggling with literacy difficulties. With pupils now accessing remote learning and most resources being delivered digitally, knowing how to make the best use of technology can make a huge difference in keeping your dyslexic pupils engaged in and enthused about learning while also giving them the tools and strategies to work more independently.

Sign up today for our Online Learning Workshop on 21st January 2021, 4:00 - 5:30pm to learn more about what is possible with assistive technology. The session is aimed at anyone supporting a primary school aged pupil with dyslexia and will focus on the use of Windows devices but due to the current pandemic lockdown, we will cover a range of devices which will be commonly used by pupils learning at home.

What you will learn

You can download a list of all our Professional Learning courses and webinars up to June 2021

We can also offer a bespoke online training to your whole staff or a group on any aspect of assistive technology to support learners with additional support needs. To discuss your training requirements and to book in a date for this term, please contact Shirley.lawson@ed.ac.uk

Online course - £30

Assistive Technology for learners with physical challenges

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