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Specialist Provision Service Level Agreements

If your Special School or Specialist Provision in Scotland has been considering upskilling of staff on the use of Communication or Assistive Technology, our Specialist Provision Service Level Agreement could be the perfect solution.


Specialist provision service leaflet for your school.

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Our Input

Our support package is tailored to the specific requirements of your school or provision and includes:

  • Initial discussions with your school management team around development needs and expected outcomes.
  • An online audit tool (provided by us) of the technology available in your school classrooms and/or curricular areas, and evaluation of staff skills (audit to be carried out by your school).
  • A visit to school by up to two members (depending on the size of your Provision) of the CALL team, to advise on using Assistive and Communication Technology with different learners. We will:
    • Carry out classroom observations and collect information from staff on the needs and priorities of the learners, as well as their own professional learning needs.
    • Meet with teaching and management leaders and Allied Health Professionals e.g. SLT, OT, Physio, to identify priorities for development in technology use and to consider the existing knowledge and skills of the staff.
    • Agree an action plan for school and professional learning to be delivered by the CALL Team.
  • Delivery of training online or in-person to staff cohorts as identified in the initial discussions. This may include, for example:
    • Simple Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Technologies and Strategies for Learners with Communication Support Needs.
    • Accessible Digital Tools for All.
    • Key iPad Apps to Access Communication, Learning and Literacy.
    • Eye Gaze options for Control, Communication and Learning.
    • Technologies to develop Cause & Effect skills.
    • Switch Access options for Control, Communication & Learning.

What this looks like for you

Support Who

1. An initial online meeting to discuss needs.

One member of the CALL team.

2. Send out and collate school technology and skills audit form.

Member of CALL team; completed and submitted by school staff.

3. Create school/provision Action Plan and share with school.

CALL team.

4. Delivery of:

  • 2 x online twilight (2 x 1.5 hours) training sessions
  • OR 1 x 1/2 day (3 hours) in person in-service training.

1 or 2 members of the CALL Team (depending on numbers).

Potential Impact for your Specialist Provision

This model of support enables the CALL team to target the needs of the learners and school staff, building on the technologies and skills already in place.

contact us to find out more

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