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Free Resources for you at the Plasma Screen and Whiteboard Room

Posted by 14 on the 7th December, 2009

Just a reminder about another source of great and FREE resources! Have a look at the Plasma Screen and WhiteBoard Room created and managed by the Advisory Unit Computers in Education, which offers freely downloadable "Whiteboard resources for pupils with SLD, PMLD and ASD".  Most of the resources are in Powerpoint, some are for SMART notebook (free player downloadable). They are all designed for interactive use on a large screen (doesn't mean you couldn't also use on a small PC) The resources are organised under curriculum headings and include a number of very basic activities for learners with complex additional support needs. also links to other useful blogs and websites with resources. This is one of those websites I keep forgetting about, but whenever I remember and look at it, I think WOW, that's GREAT!

Online course - £30

Using AI to Support Learners with Dyslexia

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