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Posted by Allan Wilson on the 31st January, 2017
CALL Scotland has a small library space in our offices at the Moray House School of Education in Edinburgh. The CALL library includes books, journals, conference papers, DVDs, videos on:
We share premises with the Scottish Sensory Centre, whose library includes lots of resources on visual impairment and hearing impairment.
The CALL library is primarily a reference library for CALL staff, but other people are welcome to visit to make use of our unique collection of resources. It is best to phone or email in advance to make sure I'll be here to provide guidance and support on using the resources.
We have just added five new titles to the library:
Chinn, Steve (2017) More Trouble with Maths. This follows on from the author's previous book, The Trouble with Maths, and has a particular focus on identifying and diagnosing mathematical difficulties experienced by learners with dyscalculia. Includes lots of check lists and resources that can be copied and used to help identify strengths and weaknesses. The book is very practical, but emphasises the need for a clinical approach that integrates diagnosis and assessment into everyday teaching. Together, Steve Chinn's two books provide all you need to know about supporting a learner with dyscalculia and other mathematical difficulties.
Hall, Tracey E., Meyer, Ann & Rose, David H (2012) Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom. This book begins with a definition of UDL as a framework for instruction organised around providing multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. There then follow chapters which outline how principles of universal design can benefit all learners in a number of subject areas, including reading, writing, science, mathematics, history and the arts. The book has very useful guidance for subject teachers on using principles of UDL to benefit all of their learners.
Krakower, Billy & LePage Plante, Sharon (2016) Using Technology to Engage Students with Learning Disabilities. This is certainly not a work of great depth, but if you're looking for a quick read, offering you lots of great ideas for using technology to support learners with additional support needs, this is definitely worth considering. After the introductory chapter, there are short chapters on reading and writing, mathematics, study skills and creativity, followed by a concluding chapter on UDL.
Novak, Katie (2016) UDL Now! A Teacher's Guide to Applying Universal Design for Learning in Today's Classrooms. The author takes a very different approach to UDL, compared with the Hall, Meyer & Rose book, above, with far more emphasis on planning learning activities and creating resources that are relevant across the entire curriculum, rather than using a subject-based approach. A very useful introduction to universal design for learning for people new to the subject. If you want to know more about UDL, visit the CAST web site.
Zeina, Rana M (2014) High-tech Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Autism. This short book has the worst back-cover synopsis I have ever seen, with bad grammar totally altering the intended meaning. The content is much better, beginning with a look at some of the myths surrounding the use of AAC with children on the autistic spectrum, followed by reporting on research into the impact of AAC on a group of children.
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