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ASL and Technology, 2017

Posted by Allan Wilson on the 24th November, 2016

We've been working on plans for our Additional Support for Learning (ASL) and Technology 2017 conference and things are now starting to take shape. Next year's event will be held over two days, at CALL Scotland, Edinburgh on Wednesday June 14th and at the Golden Jubilee Hotel, Clydebank on Thursday June 15th.

Want to exhibit?

We've got a number of suppliers lined up for the exhibition, though we still have a couple of spaces to fill at each venue. Suppliers have an opportunity to give a 30 minute presentation on their products, as well as taking part in the exhibition.

Want to give a talk?

Presentations are also given by CALL staff and local teachers and other practitioners. Again, we're starting to put a programme together, including invited teachers, but we still have a small number of spaces to fill for each venue. If you are a teacher, lecturer, therapist or another professional making interesting, innovative use of technology to support learners with additional support needs in school or further / higher education and would like to share your story in a friendly, supportive environment, we'd love to hear from you!

If you are interested in taking part, as a supplier or presenter, you may want to have a look at the web site for last year's conference, held in Dundee and Edinburgh to get a feel for the days - but don't try to book a place! If you would like to present or take part in the exhibition, please email CALL, or phone 0131 651 6235 and ask for Sarah.


Technology to Support Additional Support Needs in Education

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