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Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 6th December, 2022
In an ideal world we would like to provide all our Professional Learning for free. We feel it is important and essential that there is a raised awareness of how transforming assistive technology can be to learners with Additional Support Needs. And for that reason, we want to spread the word through providing the associated training and support required to upskill everyone to use it with the greatest effect and benefit to their learners. But, the bottom line is, we need to generate income for our team funding and so have to charge for some of our courses.
CALL Scotland webinars are convenient live presentations delivered to your computer or tablet over the web. They start at 4pm and last for 20 minutes. You can watch it live or choose to watch the archived one at a time most convenient to you. The January to June 2023 schedule includes a wide range of presenters and topics from a Head tracker masterclass (01 February) to Chromebook Accessibility (01 March), from literacy support apps, resources and software to access methods for AAC. There is something for everyone and all webinars can be accessed at no charge.
There are four self study learning modules for you to undertake at your leisure. They are aimed at teachers, learning support staff, Pupil Support Assistants, families – anyone who would like to learn more about the potential of Assistive Technology to support learners with Additional Support Needs.
Starting in January, we are delivering a new programme of focussed 60 minute workshops and have reduced the cost to £30 per participant. Click through to our CALL Online courses to see the selection of available workshops. Each member of the CALL team will be delivering a workshop based on their area of expertise and knowledge gained from working with learners with ASN all over Scotland.
If you don’t see the topic that you are interested in, why don’t you consider having a bespoke training session delivered in your school? We really enjoy these in person sessions as we get the opportunity to work with groups of staff and can provide hands on support with the technologies they are using. Feedback from schools shows that our training sessions are very much appreciated and cost effective too. Contact Shirley.lawson@ed.ac.uk with any training enquiries and please remember, our diary fills up quickly!
Last year our 10 week Technology to Support ASN in Education course ran at full capacity of 40 people and we really hope it will be the same for the course in 2023 which starts in February 2023. This innovative and exciting 10-week online course is aimed at educators who would like to increase their knowledge on how technology can expand educational opportunities for learners with Additional Support Needs (ASN), i.e., arising from conditions such as dyslexia, sensory impairment, severe and complex learning needs, autism, and communication difficulties.
The course content was excellent and also the extensive knowledge and experience of the Call Scotland team was very apparent. The opportunity to read so extensively and access to so many online resources. The overall course has had a very positive impact on the development of our service going forward.
Cost for this 10 week course is £450.
For full details and a summary of the course content have a look at the Moray House Professional Learning page.
8-week short study online course
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
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