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Free webinar on SQA Assessment Arrangements

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 20th September, 2022

The Scottish Government has announced that a new qualification body will commence work in 2024 that as part of a wider education reform. It is vital that accessibility and the needs of learners with disabilities or Additional Support Needs are designed in to any new Senior Phase qualification system, especially if assessment involves increased use of digital or online exam resources.

Paul Nisbet is hosting a free webinar on Thursday 13th October on SQA Technology and Assessment Arrangements.  CALL Scotland would like to invite any practitioner who is working with pupils with Additional Support Needs to be part of a national conversation on using technology for Assessment Arrangements.  It is really important that we are all working together on this important issue so please sign up today!

 Click to register for 13th October 2022 SQA Assessment Arrangements webinar

The webinar will be an interactive discussion with hosts and participants on how to best accommodate pupils’ needs and how to ensure the right technology is in place for them to reach their full potential.  Assessment Arrangements should be based on ‘the normal way of working’ so we need to build a picture of what this looks like and how to achieve it.

Please join in the conversation, we need your input!

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