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Free webinars for 2018

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 8th January, 2018

CALL Scotland's webinars are a valuable opportunity for relevant, practical FREE Professional Learning on the topic of inclusive digtal technologies.  What you learn from these webinars  could enhance your teaching methods and thus increase the learning opportunities for your students with Additional Support Needs. 

These live presentations are delivered to your computer or tablet over the web and can be watched live at 4pm or you can choose to watch an archived copy at a time convenient to you.  Presentations last around 20 minutes and two way interaction can be done by typing in questions - there is no camera switched on at your end so need to feel under presssure!

Here is our schedule from January to June 2018.  

Sign up to as many as you want....they are all FREE! Go to our CALL Scotland Webinar page for full information and to register today.


Online course - £30

Assistive Technology for learners with physical challenges

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Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.