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Great opportunities to learn about Technology with the CALL team!

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 3rd May, 2022

Delivering our Professional Learning online has allowed us to reach a far greater number of people and have a wider geographical audience. We have been delighted to share our expertise with teachers, Pupil Support Assistants, Support for Learning staff, parents, students and external professionals involved with pupils with Additional Support Needs.

Only two more workshops on offer this term and both offer great opportunities for you to learn new skills using technology to support your learners.

On Thursday 12th May, Craig and Claire will lead an online workshop on Using Powerpoint Creatively to support learners with ASN.  You will learn how to create fun, educational, interactive activities which will be engaging and motivating.  Still some spaces available so sign up today!

The last workshop of the term will be on Thursday 26th May, Craig and I will show you all the built-in accessibility features of the iPad and demonstrate how they can increase the independence of learners with literacy difficulties, visual impairment or physical challenges.  This is your chance to be shown how all the features work and to be given ideas of using them in context with your learners.  For more information and to sign up for this workshop, go to the iPad Accessibility tools page in our Training section of the website.

Book your place now

ASL & Technology Conference 2022 - June 16th

And don’t forget that our ASL and Technology Conference is being held online on 16th June 2022.  We have a busy programme of half hour workshops on a wide range of topics, all with the focus on assistive technology for learners with Additional Support Needs. Learn from the CALL team, experienced practitioners and specialist equipment suppliers on new possibilities with technology as well as sharing good practice, advice and guidance.

It costs £5 to register and that will give you access to unlimited workshops as well as to videos of all the sessions.  Please share this widely with friends and colleagues and finish the term with lots of new ideas and enthusiasm for best supporting your learners.

Book your place now

Online course - £30

Assistive Technology for learners with physical challenges

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