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Looking for ready-Made festive resources for learners with Complex Needs?

Posted by Claire Harrison on the 1st December, 2022

Category Severe & Complex Support Needs

Somehow it’s December 1st already, and it’s always a busy month in schools. So as a timesaver here's a collation of (mostly) free (mostly) symbol-supported holiday-themed activities for learners with Complex Needs. There’s some great stuff out there, from Sensory Stories to Communication Games and more.

All of these resources are free to download and use, but some (e.g. Ian Bean’s Interactive Advent Calendar) will require you to sign up for a free account. You can browse everything by going to this Padlet. There are links to videos, PowerPoints, printable symbol sheets and files for software and apps. Where the links are to resources that require a piece of paid software, look to the bottom of the Padlet to find links to free software trials.

The CALL Holiday-themed resources 2022 Padlet


Technology to Support Additional Support Needs in Education

10-week short study online course

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