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Posted by Craig Mill on the 7th July, 2017
CALL Scotland is pleased to announce the release of a new guide; Making the most of Microsoft Word 2016 to support learners with literacy difficulties.
The guide explores some of the tools in the latest version of Word 2016 that can be used to support literacy and other additional support needs such as visual impairment.
Making the most of Microsoft Word 2016 to support learners with literacy difficulties is an illustrative resource full of hints, tips and advice, in a colourful, engaging easy-to-read format.
Some of the tools highlighted in the guide have been available in previous versions of Word, such as customising background colours and font styles, spacing etc. But the guide also includes many new features as well and ideas to use Word creatively:
Microsoft Office 2016 is available to download for free for all Glow users in Scotland. This includes downloads for home use on PC, Macs and even tablets. See the Glow Wiki for more information.
You can download the guide here in the meantime but it will soon be available to download from the CALL website.
If there's something you would like to add to the guide, please leave a comment below.
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