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Posted by Allan Wilson on the 3rd June, 2010
What's this... a non-techie blog? Technology can often be used to support students with additional support needs in schools and colleges, but there are times when it isn't the answer. Even where it has a significant part to play, successful implementation depends on teachers, parents, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists and other staff working together in partnership to support the student.
The Scottish Government have produced a new publication, Guidance on Partnership Working between Allied Health Professionals and Education, which presents strategies and guidance aimed at improving the quality of partnership working between allied health professionals, education staff and parents. The Guidance outlines different features of good practice and presents a number of short case studies from different parts of Scotland. There's also a useful set of tools that can be used to measure strengths and areas for development in current practice with regard to working in partnership.
Definitely worth a look if you are involved with Partnership Working!
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