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Technology Discovery Day and Consultation

Posted by Allan Wilson on the 12th May, 2017

Augmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland logoAugmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland are organising a free event for adults (aged 16 and over) in Scotland who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to express themselves. It will take the form of a Technology Discovery Day, combined with a Consultation Session and will be held on Saturday 24th June in Thomson's Land, Moray House School of Education, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ. The Day starts at 10.00 am and runs on until 3.30 pm.

The morning session (10.00 - 12.30) will give people a chance to find out about new communication aids, eye gaze systems and apps. There will also be opportunities to take part in activities such as green-screen photography and making music with technology. A sandwich lunch will be provided between 12.30 and 1.30.

The afternoon (1.30 - 3.30) will begin with a consultation event to look at the proposed Communication Access Symbol and to discuss how it might be used. There will also be a chance to find out more about how recent legislation should make it easier for people who have communication difficulties to get the communication aid that they need.

Remember to bring your communication aid!

If you are an adult who uses AAC and want to come to the Technology Discovery Day, download, print and fill in the Booking Form, and return it to CALL Scotland, or to your local communication aid centre. You can also book online on the Augmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland web site.

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