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using the ipod / ipad to support reading and writing

Posted by Allan Wilson on the 20th April, 2010

Screenshot of Speedscribe word banking app

We have featured a number of apps for the iPod Touch and the forthcoming iPad over the past few months, including apps for communication (see blogs on 18th January and 6th April) and for more general educational purposes (see blogs on 18th January and 24th February). These devices also have potential for use to support reading and writing. The iPod Touch is too small and fiddly for extended writing, but it can be used for taking notes either by typing, or by recording voice. The iPad has greater potential as a writing tool, with apps such as the Speedscribe word bank system already available.

Apps such as Stanza allow the iPod Touch to be used for reading electronic books, but the release of the iPad, with its greater screen could revolutionise this area, particularly as Apple iBooks and the forthcoming Blio Reader could provide speech output for people with reading difficulties. There are already text-to-speech options for the iPod Touch, such as the built-in VoiceOver facility, Speak It and Talk to Me, but their functionality is limited, though the voices are actually quite good.

I've written an article that delves into this area in much greater detail for the current (Spring / Summer) issue of the JISC Regional Support Centre North and East Scotland's e-Quality newsletter.

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