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Communication Support Needs

A person who has Communication Support Needs (CSN) has some degree of difficulty with one or more areas of communication. They therefore need support to communicate.

This difficulty may be in one or more of the following areas of communication:

The term applies to both children and adults, and alternative terms sometimes used are Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) or communication difficulty/disability.

Technology can be used to help people to communicate more effectively, but it is important to understand the needs and impact of having a communication difficulty, before choosing what and how to implement it.

More information...

What is a Communication Support Need?

Communication in everyday life takes many forms.

What is AAC?

What is Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

Scottish AAC Legislation

In 2016, the Scottish Parliament passed legislation.

What the Research Says

On communication technology and AAC.

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