ClaroRead is a commercial floating toolbar containing features to make reading and writing easier. It can read out text from almost any program such as:
The toolbar sits in the top right of the application.
The sentence is highlighted as it is read back to you.
The toolbar sits in the top right of the application.
The sentence is not highlighted as it is read back to you.
The toolbar sits in the top right of the application.
The sentence is highlighted as it is read back to you.
ClaroRead handles web browsers such as Chrome and Microsoft Edge differently to Internet Explorer. You will need to slect the text with your mouse and ClaroRead will read it back to you. The Play and Stop button on the toolbar will not work for the web browser.
You can get the ClaroRead Chrome Extension for Chrome which allows a Play and Stop button.
If you have your own voices installed on your PC then they can be changed via the Settings button.
You can download free high quality Scottish voices which are available freely for the Scottish public sector.
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