Course held on the 16th March, 2023 • £30 per individual
60 minute Online Learning workshop
The use of Shared Reading is an essential strategy in the development of early literacy and the interaction skills of learners with communication support needs.
In this training session, specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Joanna Courtney will demonstrate inclusive Shared Reading strategies using a range of printable, digital and online resources, based on real case studies from classrooms across Scotland.
This course was held on the 16th March, 2023 but you can still purchase a recording of the session.
You'll also receive all the resources that were sent out with the course.
Joanna Courtney
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
She has 18 years' experience of working in the field of Augmentative and Alternative Communication, spending her first 7 years working in a Special School. She has an Honours degree (BSc) in Speech and Language Pathology from Queen Margaret University and her particular area of interest is enabling peer interaction and group opportunities for people who use AAC.
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