Course held on the 27th April, 2023 • £30 per individual
60 minute Online Learning workshop
This practical workshop will provide information on communication activities and opportunities for using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) for learners with complex communication needs, across the school day. Relevant for education staff teaching learners with limited spoken/verbal language skills from conditions such as autism, cerebral palsy and other physical difficulties, learning disability and sensory impairments. It will focus on selecting a set of simple AAC symbol-based tools, to include printed formats (i.e., communication chat, choosing and activity boards) and simple electronic voice output communication aids (i.e., BIG/LITTLE macks, Go Talks and the Sounding Board app for iPad).
We will explore ways to differentiate these AAC tools for learners with different additional support needs and some examples for setting up them up to support communication across different topics. The purpose to provide information and inspiration for using AAC more, with your own learners.
Participants attending the course should be familiar with the term Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and understand the reason for using AAC with learners with additional support needs.
This course was held on the 27th April, 2023 but you can still purchase a recording of the session.
You'll also receive all the resources that were sent out with the course.
Gillian McNeill
Specialist Speech and Language Therapist
Gillian's specialism is in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, drawn from 25 years working within a regional AAC team in Fife, before joining CALL Scotland in 2011. Through this she has built experience from developing a multi-agency AAC partnership, carrying out assessments, implementing support services, delivering training and contributing to AAC projects. Having worked with people with complex communication support needs of all ages - children and adults - her key area of interest presently, is supporting pupils to access learning and communication, through technology.
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