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IPAACKS: Informing and Profiling Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Knowledge and Skills


21st February, 2018

Webinar archive

Presenter(s): Janet Scott, SCTCI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

IPAACKS is a profiling tool and framework for workers in health, education, social care, and third sectors, to identify knowledge, skills, values and commitments required to deliver a quality service to children, young people and adults who use AAC. It can be used to affirm workers existing competences, identify gaps and inform learning and development needs of individual workers or workforce groups. In this webinar, Janet Scott - primary IPAACKS contributor and co-ordinator of the Scottish Centre of Technology for the Communication Impaired (SCTCI), will talk through the different elements of the framework and how it can be used in a wide variety of settings.

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