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SimplyWorks - Fully integrated range of wireless AT solutions


6th November, 2024

Webinar archive

Presenter(s): Bob Sagoo, Pretorian Technologies

The SimplyWorks range is exactly that.

It's a range of products that connect together to "work" in configurations to suit any need. And they work with great "simplicity" for you to be able to set them up! The configurations are almost endless and SimplyWorks really does make the work, simple.

The highly innovative and robust system allows you to have switches, joysticks, trackballs, keyboards, communicators, toys and mains appliances connected together - simply and without wires.

Whether you are looking to access a computer, a tablet, work with toys, electrical appliances or communicators, SimplyWorks can help you achieve the learning outcomes you need.

SimplyWorks at its core is all about flexibility and ease of use, and Pretorian hope this brief introduction will provide ideas on how to best use the range to create new and fun activities with good learning outcomes!

SimplyWorks presentation (196Mb, .pptx).

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