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Online Training on Text-based AAC Apps for iPads

Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 12th October, 2020

October is International AAC Awareness Month and CALL Scotland have another Professional Learning opportunity or you. If you are finding it a difficult to know what text-based communication apps on iPad to recommend and to whom? We can help. If you would you like an independent view on which apps to consider and information on their usability and key features? We can help.

On Thursday 29th October, 16.00 – 17.30 BST, we will be hosting our online learning workshop on Choosing and Using Text-based Communication Apps on iPad. This is for anyone supporting people with communication difficulties, whether a young person or adult, with basic literacy skills or more. Through reviewing and discussing a number of the key text-based communication apps available, we aim to help you choose and get started in using them. The cost of attending the workshop is £40.

What you will get:

The content will include:

There will be a demonstration to include the following apps (all taken from the text-based communication apps in the CALL AAC iPad App Wheel):

This workshop will be of interest to those involved in supporting AAC:

register for the workshop

Online course - £30

Assistive Technology for learners with physical challenges

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