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AAC Study Day - 5 March 2019

Posted by Gillian McNeill on the 14th January, 2019

PrAACtical Approaches to Working with Children and Adults: Supporting Communication through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC ) - Scottish Study Day.

Date: 05

Carnegie Conference Centre, Dunfermline

£40 - £80 (8:45am - 3:30pm)

This study day organised by Augmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland, offers a great opportunity for staff, carers and families to find out about current and innovative strategies to support individuals who use AAC. With presentations and workshops on a range of topics, delivered by experts and practitioners in the field, it will be of interest to those involved in supporting both children and/or adults, in education, health, social care, voluntary and independent sectors.

The keynote presentations will address AAC - past, present and future - with discussion around a number of questions


This will include a presentation from an AAC user's perspective, sharing insights on life with AAC.

There will be two workshop sessions allowing participants to attend one from each. the topics for these will be...

Session 1

Session 2

As well as an excellent learning opportunity, this study day will allow participants to network with others involved with AAC and to meet with specialist AAC services in Scotland. There will be a variety of stalls with information and resources to view.

Download the study day flier.

To book a place, register online at EventBrite.

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