Posted by Claire Harrison on the 5th March, 2024
For over a decade, we’ve worked alongside Scottish Book Trust to ensure that learners with Print Disabilities are able to access books in the format that they need.
Each year during Book Week Scotland, all Primary One learners are gifted a bag of books by Scottish Book Trust. Over the years, this ‘Bookbug P1 Family Bag’ has contained a fantastic range of high-quality picture books from Scottish authors and illustrators. You can read more about Scottish Book Trust and their mission to create a love for books and reading from an early age over on their website.
At CALL Scotland, we’re all about ensuring learners with Additional Support Needs are enabled to access communication and learning through assistive technologies. So, for the P1 Family Bag books, this means creating alternative formats, so that no matter how an individual learner might need to access a book, they read and participate along with their classmates.
Each year we create alternative formats for each book that can be accessed through switches, touch and eye gaze. Why not have a look at this video to find out a bit more about how these alternative formats.
To celebrate the upcoming World Book Day on March 7th 2024, we’ve refreshed and updated our 'Bookbug Digital Bookshelf' poster.
This A3 poster displays which books and which alternative formats are available to educators in Scotland via our Books for All website.
It’s an interactive poster, so you can click on the icon tabs down the side of the books to go directly to the download page on Books for All.
Download the latest copy of the Bookbug Digital Bookshelf
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