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CALL Scotland & Scottish Book Trust Partnership win AAC Award

Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 13th October, 2019

We were so delighted to win an award at the inaugural 'AAC Awards' Ceremony held at the University of Leeds on Friday 11th October 2019. These National awards were organised by Communication Matters, the UK wide organisation for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

Joanna and Gillian from CALL Scotland and Andra from Scottish Book Trust attended the ceremony, along with Bookbug of course, and collected the 'Outstanding Community Inclusion' Award for our Bookbug symbolised resources and accessible digital versions of the Bookbug Family Bag books, which are gifted to every P1 child in Scotland for National Book Week in November each year.

It was such an inspiring evening and great to meet the other nominees, including AAC providers and people who use AAC and to appreciate all the fantastic work that goes on across the UK.

We took the opportunity to thank the whole CALL Scotland team and everyone at Scottish Book Trust, who help in collaborating on the content of the symbolised resources pack, in raising awareness of the resources through Bookbug training and social media, and in distribution of the resources online. Thank you all!


To download these 'award winning' symbol resources, in formats for both communication and early writing and to request this year's accessible digital books, please visit our Symbols for All website for all the information you need.

And......... Keep Reading!

Download the Bookbug 2020 symbol resources

Request the Bookbug 2020 accessible books

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