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How can we help you support the implementation of AAC?

Posted by Joanna Courtney on the 22nd August, 2023

Category AAC Symbols

Do you have learners who use AAC and who you would like to help become better communicators?

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a range of strategies and tools to help people who struggle with speech. These may be simple letter or picture boards or sophisticated computer-based systems. AAC helps someone to communicate as effectively as possible, in as many situations as possible.

via Communication Matters

We may already have some of these AAC tools in our classrooms, nursery settings and homes. So why do so many learners abandon AAC after a short time or never master the skills to use it effectively?

Because AAC needs to be taught and so much of AAC success is down to having a good communication partner.

Communication is a two way process and your role in conversations and interactions really counts.

This is highlighted in 'Ways to communicate' on the AAC Scotland website.

The Hanen Centre also gives these top tips for being a good communication partner and keeping your language simple

The Four S's

  1. Say Less
  2. Stress
  3. Go Slow
  4. Show

Then repeat, repeat, repeat

We also need to model AAC with our learners to teach them the expressive language skills required to be a successful communicator and to provide them with the aided receptive language input to understand instructions, tasks and learn new vocabulary in order for them to reach their potential.

So, how do we do this and what tools are out there to help us implement AAC better with our learners?

Why not come and find out on our first CALL Scotland Online Course of the academic year! We will explore a range of resources which are simple to implement and freely available.

Top Tools for Developing the Communication Skills of Learners who use AAC

Hope to see you there!

Technology to Support Dyslexia in Education

5-week short study online course

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