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One week to go till our ASL and Tech conference!

Posted by Shirley Lawson on the 6th June, 2023

Category Assistive Technology

With only a week to go till our 2023 online ASL (Additional Support for Learning) and Technology conference, we have hundreds of people signed up and ready to learn more about using Assistive Technology to support learners with Additional Support Needs.

Have you booked your place yet? Please go directly to our ASL and Technology website to book and to find out more details about the day. It's only £5 to register and you then have access to a choice of 20 different workshops from Assistive Technology suppliers, CALL Scotland's experienced staff and excellent practitioners in schools.

The day has been designed to best meet your Professional Learning needs in a focussed, practical way. Each workshop is 40 minutes in length and you can attend as many sessions as you like. There are three different workshops running in parallel so you can decide which one best meets your training needs and which is more appropriate to the learners you work with.

Are you working with learners with complex needs who access their learning through Eye Gaze? The Pretorian workshop in Room 1 at 10:40am will look at alternative access methods for curricular access and also for fun gaming activities. If you are in a mainstream setting working with learners with literacy difficulties you may choose to go to the Crick session in Room 3 (at this same 10:40am slot) on using Clicker software to create supportive resources. In fact, you are spoiled for choice because in Room 2 there will be an excellent session from ASN Teacher, Karen Watson on Setting Meaningful targets using AAC.

And that's just what's on offer in one time slot! It's as easy as clicking on the Room link in your joining email to access the session of your choice. And you will be able to access all the workshops on Catch Up, all included in your £5 registration fee.

We will have a Prize Draw at 3pm with three £25 vouchers on offer. The CALL team are really looking forward to welcoming you to our conference next week and know that there will be something for everyone to go away with to be inspired to further support our learners with Additional Support Needs.

Technology to Support Literacy for Learners with Complex Needs

8-week short study online course

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