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Symbol Resources for COVID19

Posted by Claire Harrison on the 23rd March, 2020

As the ongoing situation with the Coronavirus Pandemic has developed over the last week or so, many people have been freely sharing wonderful resources which they have created to support learners they are working with. This blog is a round-up of symbol resources we’ve come across which are related to supporting learners to understand COVID19.

‘Easy on the i’ are an easy read information service based at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Using their image bank, they have created two symbol supported easy to read and understand posters: a description of coronavirus symptoms and  an explanation of social distancing. There are also very helpful booklets on having your temperature taken and  having your oxygen level checked.

Widgit Software have a ‘Staying Safe from Germs’ PDF which includes visual supports for what to do when you cough or sneeze and a breakdown of the exact steps for thorough handwashing.

Tobii Dynavox have produced a set of Boardmaker PDF support materials with communication boards, handwashing instructions, information booklets and more In order to view and download the resources you first need to sign up for a free ‘Tobii Dynavox’ account.

You can also download this social story about Coronavirus and schools which has been created by Easter Seals with Boardmaker Picture Communication Symbols.

There are some simple handwashing symbol supports on our ‘Symbols for All’ website.  A version created with Boardmaker PCS and a version created with Widgit Symbols.

And finally, Pete Wells has created a fantastic PowerPoint sensory story all about ‘Beating the Corona Blues’ His resources include a copy of the PowerPoint plus script, ideas and instructions for telling the story. 

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