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A3 sized PDF poster - revision 1.0, published 2017
This leaflet accompanies the CALL Scotland A4 poster '20 Ways to be Excellent' which gives 20 simple suggestions for using single and multi-message devices in learning and teaching activities across the curriculum. Inside the leaflet are in depth descriptions for each activity, links to specific Curriculum for Excellence Experiences and Outcomes, and suggestions of words and phrases to record into the relevant devices.
Below is an accessible breakdown of the contents of the PDF poster, designed to be accessible with a screen reader, and also for people who find it hard to see or access the links in the poster.
This leaflet accompanies the CALL Scotland poster '20 Ways to be Excellent' and downloadable sets of device labels for these activities created with SymbolStix (Matrix Maker Plus), PCS (Boardmaker) or Widgit Symbols (InPrint3).
Learners can perform inclusive plays and dramas with single or multi-message devices. Record lines of dialogue onto single message devices which can be repeated throughout the play, and conversational exchanges onto multi-message devices. You can pre-record three sets of messages for different scenes on BIGmacks and Step-by-Steps with levels, so there is no need to re-record different dialogue as you go. Using a combination of single and multi-message devices allows learners to participate at all levels. Recording questions which elicit a response from the audience (eg. clapping, cheering or booing) teach your learners the connection between a message on a device and making something happen in the environment.
Example lines for single-message users:
Single-message - The Music Man
Single-message - Old MacDonald
There are many well know children's songs which are great fun to sing along with using single and multi-message devices. Learners who are practising their switch timing skills can use a single message device to finish a repeated line in a song.
Multi-message device users can have different lines of songs, in the order they are sung recorded onto their device to enable them to join in and sing along. Or, if you have a multi-message device with a randomiser feature, use it during songs with choice elements to enable a learner to choose what is sung next.
Multi-message devices with randomiser - Old MacDonald.
Record 'duck/sheep/cow' (one word per level) on a Step-by-Step
Multi-message devices with randomiser – The Music Man
Record 'I play the piano/I play the drums' (one phrase per level) on a Step-by-Step
BIGmack users can also start off the singing by having the first few words or first lines in a song recoded into a device. This works best with familiar songs such as a 'tidy up' time or school song.
Use single and multi-message devices to introduce and narrate a slideshow during assemblies about World Religions. Your learners could ask the audience quiz questions to or give them instructions about what will happen next.
Examples for multi-message devices:
Use a Single-message device to request 'more' when engaged in sensory play. Support your learner to explore the sand, water, etc. with their hands and/or feet. Pause the exploration to enable the learner to use a single message device to request more.
Use a Single-message device to request 'more'.
Set up push and pull races with toy cars using ramps of different lengths and angles. Use a multi-message device to record 'Ready/Steady/Push', 'Ready/Steady/Pull' or 'Ready/ Steady/Go as appropriate to enable the learner to control the start of the race.
Multi-message device messages:
This task enables two peers to work with each other, one using a step-by-step to give instructions, and the other programming a BeeBot TM floor robot. The robot could be sent off to find pirate treasure, navigate around obstacles, or escape from a maze.
Step-by-Step messages:
Use a step by step to enable your leaner to become the DJ and play songs on an echo or echo dot. You can use a Step-by-Step or Step-by-Step with Levels Gameplay, depending on the skills your learners are working on
Step-by-Step messages:
Use a multi-message device and script to enable leaners to ask questions about the weather. Staff can respond as appropriate, for example 'You'll need a coat and gloves today', etc.
Examples for single-message devices:
When visiting places in your local community such as fire and police stations, use single and multi-message devices to enable your learners to ask questions as they meet the people who work there and discover information about their roles.
Examples for single-message devices:
Share class news between home and school using a multi-message device. Use a social script style approach to enable your leaner to scaffold a conversation between them and their family.
Multi-message device messages for news:
When you are reading a book give your learner a single message device with a related sound effect or repeated phrase in the story to enable them to join in and interject. For more symbolised resources on 'Shark in the Park on a Windy Day' and other Scottish Book Trust Award accessible books go to our CALL Scotland Books for All website.
Single-message devices for reading:
Tell a knock, knock joke, allowing the learner to practice their comedic timing.
Multi-message device messages:
Enable your learner to gather information using a multi-message device. For example, find out information about how people travelled to school.
Multi-message device survey questions:
Use the random elimination feature on a Step-by-Step Gameplay (Level 2) to become the Bingo caller when playing a maths Bingo Game related to 2D and 3D shapes. The Level 2 Random Elimination ensures that each word is read out once then deleted.
Randomiser multi-message device messages:
Use a multi-message device to add drama to your classroom by having a learner in charge of counting down to events from everything from snack to home time!
Single-message devices for counting down:
Record seasonally appropriate messages. You could also use a multi-message device with a series of messages to say 'Only 10 more sleeps 'till Santa/Have you been good?/Sing me a Christmas Carol?
Examples for single-message devices:
If your learners are working at different levels, Monster Maker can enable two peers to work co- operatively to create drawings using pencils, paint or drawing apps such as 'Doodle Buddy' and 'Drawing Box Free'. These activities can be useful to work on peer turn-taking and listening skills in addition to modelling question and answer interactions.
Record numbers 1 to 5 on a multi- message randomiser. The person drawing will ask questions such as 'How many eyes do we give the monster?'. The learner can instruct by pressing the Step- by-Step (eg.) 3 times if they want the device to say '3' etc.
Program a Step-by-Step with a series of questions such as 'How many eyes/ How many legs?/How many arms?/ How many ears?/How many noses? for use by the learner doing the drawing. They can then use the device to ask questions and get instructions on how to draw their monster.
Ceilidh's are a fantastic opportunity to use single message devices to exclaim 'Heeooch!' as you move around the dance floor. If your learner is a wheelchair dancer ensure their device is securely attached to their tray to prevent it flying off when they start Stripping the Willow!
Single-message device:
Use a multi-message device to enable your learners to read out recipe instructions or a list of the equipment needed. Instructions could detail the amount of each ingredient, or a list of how to prepare them. Alternatively, use messages that would enable the learner to respond to questions related to measurements
Multi-message instructions:
Multi-message questions:
Programme the device to respond to questions such as: 'How much flour?/Is it one or two pinches of salt?' with answers like:
Multi-message devices - What we need:
How about controlling an animal with a device? A great way to teach your learner the message on the device means something, especially if you happen to be sitting on a horse that begins to move! On a single message device record an appropriate instruction for the horse such as 'walk on', or tell a dog to 'sit'. You could also use a multi message device with a series of phrases that would take the horse from walking to trotting to stopping
Multi-message device instructions for horse-riding:
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