A3 sized PDF poster - revision 1.0, published 2016
Ensuring that every child achieves the highest standards in literacy and numeracy, that every child has the same opportunity to succeed are key priorities of the National Improvement Framework.
Along with information on assistive technology, the Government has also provided guidance to ensure that learners with additional support needs can access curriculum materials. Moreover, the Equality Act requires that learning and teaching resources must be accessible to all learners.
This means that learning resources such as textbooks, reading books, worksheets, teacher generated materials such as assessments, homework etc. must be available in a format that learners can access, such as digital, large print, coloured paper or overlays (including computer overlays), audio, Braille and other accessible formats.
This infograph highlights both the government's guidance and provides helpful 'how to' support, so everyone is meeting their legal requirements.
This poster is designed to be printed in A3 and displayed along with the 'Are you Meeting Your Legal Requirements for Computer Accessibility?' infograph.
Icons used in this poster are designed by Flaticon
Below is an accessible breakdown of the contents of the PDF poster, designed to be accessible with a screen reader, and also for people who find it hard to see or access the links in the poster.
Are your learning resources accessible to all learners?
Scottish Government Recommendation on Access to Learning Resources
Recommendation | Why? | How? |
Learning resources (e.g. textbooks, reading books, teacher - generated materials, assessments, homework) can be provided in a format that learners can access, such as Digital, Audio, Large Print, on Coloured paper, Braille, etc. |
So that learners with print disabilities (e.g. dyslexia, visual impairment, physical disability, learning difficulties) who have difficulty with paper- based resources, can access the curriculum independently. Provision of accessible books and learning resources is regarded as a reasonable adjustment under the Equality Act. |
Schools can download textbooks in accessible formats for free from: Schools and local authority policies and procedures should ensure that learning resources are available in accessible formats. |
Online learning resources and online assessments can be adapted so that they do not disadvantage disabled pupils. |
Increasingly, schools are making use of online digital learning resources. All learners, including those with ASN must have access to these learning materials. |
The Equality Act requires on-line learning resources to be accessible, but sometimes, learners will require adjustments to Control Panels or installation of specialist software or hardware, such as computer reader software. Online resources should be designed so that they can be converted into other appropriate formats – such as coloured paper - if required by learners with disabilities. |
Learners can transfer work to and from school and home using e.g. file sharing on the Intranet or Internet, or on a memory stick. |
Learners who use technology to read curriculum resources and write or generate classwork need a means to transfer files to and from their device(s). |
Schools can make use of file sharing mechanisms such as Glow, Edmodo, Showbie, Google Drive etc so that teachers and learners can transfer resources and materials. |
Learners who use ICT for writing and recording can print their work. |
Learners with ASN who rely on technology to access the curriculum should be able to print out their work quickly and easily. |
Sometimes printing facilities in school(s) are centralised and not readily accessible for learners with additional support needs. A dedicated printer for a learner with ASN might be a reasonable adjustment. |
All Staff (teaching, support, librarian and technical) should be aware of their legal obligations to provide access to the curriculum and to curriculum resources under Equality Duties, with particular reference to Guidance on Auxiliary Aids and Services. Everyone has a responsibility to support learners with additional support needs and this includes learners who use ICT to access the curriculum.
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