CALL Scotland provides a Pupil Assessment and Support service for individual children and young people in Scotland with additional support needs who require assistive technology and/or augmentative communication.
We also provide consultancy for schools and ASL bases. This may be more suitable for you than referring several individual pupils.
Referrals are made by head or deputy head teachers, local authority managers or educational psychology.
If you are working in a local authority which has a Service Level (or 'Partnership') Agreement with CALL (the current list of authorities is here), contact us to find out who in your authority is responsible for processing referrals to CALL. Partnership agreements enable us to provide joint planning and prioritisation on an authority-wide basis, 'booking' of blocks of CALL time, assessment and support for more than one child from the authority, more detailed reports, follow up work, repeat visits, extended equipment loans, and staff development and training.
If a local authority does not have a service level agreement, assessment and support are charged on a per-case/per-day basis (or ideally, a service level agreement may then be agreed). Our current charges are here. Contact us to discuss the pupil(s) and to obtain a referral form.
A face-to-face assessment in school is not always necessary: staff can phone or email at any time to ask for advice from the CALL team about a particular learner or specific technology or strategies. This is a free service open to anyone in Scotland, funded by CALL's grant from the Scottish Government Learning Directorate.
CALL Assessment and Support leaflet for parents
CALL Assessment and Support leaflet for schools
CALL's pupil assessment and support service is for young people with complex additional support needs including motor or speech impairment, language /communication difficulties; difficulties accessing the curriculum especially reading and writing; complex combinations of needs arising from physical or learning disabilities, neurological conditions, specific learning difficulties, or visual or auditory impairments. CALL does not usually accept referral of children with sensory impairments only, or with emotional and behavioural issues only.
CALL's assessment approach is holistic and we use Joy Zabala's SETT framework to explore the:
CALL assessment and support is a process, not a one-off event. It involves the 'team around the child' and aims to suggest tools and strategies and to highlight the role of the school staff and others, such as therapists and families, in supporting effective implementation.
In practice, the process usually involves the following:
Sometimes staff in a school or ASL base wish to obtain advice for several pupils or the whole school/base. This can include an audit of the school's assistive technology and AAC provision and tailored consultancy and professional learning for staff. It usually involves:
CALL School Consultancy leaflet
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
Our social media sites - YouTube, Twitter and Facebook