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Craig Mill

Customising the background/wallpaper on the iPad

Posted by Craig Mill on the 27th November, 2012

Despite the popularity of the iPad it is surprising there are only 23 background wallpapers to choose from. These consist of a range of mellow or atmospheric images and scenes including dewy grass, a cobbled street, tree rings, a carved totem pole, flowers, crashing waves, denim and other pattern...

iPad Apps and integrative workflows to support learners with literacy difficulties/dyslexia

Posted by Craig Mill on the 22nd August, 2012

If you are interested in using the iPad to support your pupils then you will probably be familiar with the large number of websites that have appeared over the past year offering ‘lists of Apps’ to support a range of difficulties including communication, literacy, numeracy etc. Some exa...

Switch Access on the iPad

Posted by Craig Mill on the 14th March, 2012

iPad Accessibility Options iPads have a range of built-in Accessibility options such as text-to-speech (VoiceOver) and screen magnification (Zoom) which are particularly useful for learners with a visual difficulty. For example VoiceOver will read information on the iPad's screen including icons, ...

Windows 7 Ease of Access Centre Guide free to download

Posted by Craig Mill on the 2nd February, 2012

Ease of Access Centre Guide Microsoft has included a range of accessibility features (Accessibility Options) in its operating systems since Windows 95. Windows 7 incorporates several improvements such as a change of name from 'Accessibility Options' to 'Ease of Access Centre'. These features pr...

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