Posted by Allan Wilson on the 11th November, 2016
We've been fairly busy over the past month updating some of our downloadable posters and creating new ones. It is great that people have been finding them not only attractive, but also very useful.
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 26th September, 2016
I had an interesting meeting with Dyslexia Scotland's Adult Network (Glasgow) recently to discuss software and apps to support memory and organisation. Most members of the group are using some form of technology to note appointments, provide reminders, make short notes and organisation, but the ...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 15th August, 2016
The British Assistive Technology Association (BATA) web site has news of a decision to introduce zero rating for VAT for mobile phones and laptops pre-loaded with software designed solely for the use of a disabled person. The case was brought by Iansyst Ltd, who argued that their CapturaTalk literac...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 29th July, 2016
We have been sent information about a forthcoming Boardmaker Power Academy morning in Angus on 20th September. Looks like it could be a useful event for Boardmaker users. Boardmaker Power Academy – Angus TUE 20 SEP AT 09:30, FORFAR By: Tobii Dynavox Tobii Dynavox Power Academy days are aimed a...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 27th July, 2016
To mark World Cerebral Palsy Day, Bobath Scotland's Annual Conference is to be held in the Hilton Hotel, William Street, Glasgow on Wednesday 5th October. The conference is free to attend and provides people living with cerebral palsy with an opportunity to: learn about aspects of life with cer...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 20th July, 2016
We have been sent information on British Blind Sport's initiative to encourage children with visual impairment in Scotland to take part in sport:- "What is First Steps? "First Steps is a British Blind Sport initiative supported by Scottish Disability Sport for visually impaired childr...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 7th July, 2016
The Science and Technology Impact Assessment Panel of the European Parliament (STOA) has commissioned a study on Assistive Technologies for the inclusion of people with disabilities in society, education and jobs. As part of this study, they are conducting a European-wide online survey involving per...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 4th July, 2016
Info Cards are new resources available from the Downloads section of the CALL Scotland web site. They are designed to be printed double-sided onto a sheet of A4 card, then cut in half to produce 2 A5 cards, with information needed to perform a simple task with a piece of technology. The first two c...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 24th June, 2016
Earlier this week we came across Touch Tap Swipe, a great resource produced last year by DMD pathfinders, on choosing and using touch phones and tablets for people with minimal body movement. DMD pathfinders is a user-led organisation supporting teenagers and adults living with Duchenne Muscular Dys...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 29th April, 2016
We sometimes like to focus on blogs and web resources created by other people, particularly when they may not be familiar to people in Scotland, where we are based, and the rest of the United Kingdom. Today we are going to have a look at "Glenda's Assistive Technology Information and more.....
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