Posted by Allan Wilson on the 24th May, 2019
I have had an occasional interest in Selective Mutism (SM) since before my days at CALL Scotland, when I worked in youth training and we had a trainee who refused to speak to anybody. In his case, it was due to a delay in his voice 'breaking' and the embarrassment of speaking with a high, ...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 17th April, 2019
Chromebooks are becoming increasingly popular in Scottish schools, partly because they are relatively easy to manage and also because they turn on very quickly so there's no need to wait for the device to boot up. However, the limited range of built-in voices has been a disadvantage for learners...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 14th January, 2019
The Scottish Government's Assisted Communication Team is trying to find out how many people in Scotland use a communication aid, or could benefit from having such a device. They are hoping to include a question about this in the 2021 Census. What is the Census? The Census is carried out in the U...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 16th July, 2018
In August thousands of actors, comedians, writers and other creatives will flock to Edinburgh to take part in the various Festivals that enhance the City throughout the month. Many of the performers taking part in the Festivals will have dyslexia or another reading / writing difficulty. The exact na...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 19th June, 2018
We regularly receive enquiries from parents (and schools, acting on their behalf) asking about funding for specialist equipment for learners with additional support needs. If the school or local authority are not able to provide equipment from their regular budgets, e.g. for home use, where should p...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 16th May, 2018
We recently received an enquiry from a teacher seeking advice on where to get digital books, particularly for maths, for pupils with reading difficulties. She also asked whether the school should use laptops or tablets to support these pupils. I thought I would share my response. What would you choo...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 11th May, 2018
We were contacted recently by Leanne Reid asking if we could pass on information about the Very Inclusive Play Club which she has set up in Edinburgh. This aims to provide children with additional support needs in the 0 - 5 age group with structured opportunities for play and relaxation. Leanne curr...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 30th March, 2018
The Scottish Government has announced a new Section 10 Grant Scheme providing funding for voluntary / third sector organisations supporting people with sensory impairments and / or people with communication difficulties. Under the Section 10 Grant scheme, the Scottish Government's Assisted Comm...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 29th March, 2018
Communication Matters are holding a Supplier Roadshow in the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Clydebank on Tuesday 22nd May, in association with the Scottish Centre of Technology for the Communication Impaired (SCTCI). Communication Matters is a UK-wide charity whose members include people who use a...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 8th March, 2018
We were contacted recently by Mark Statham from Ltd with regard to their ColorMouse handheld electronic magnifier. Following the conversation, Mark sent us one of the devices to try out. Here are my thoughts. As its name suggests, the ColorMouse resembles a standard computer mouse, heigh...
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