Posted by Allan Wilson on the 27th April, 2016
One hundred children with disabilities, parents and siblings attended the Augmentative Communication in Practice: Scotland Family Fun Technology Day in Paterson's Land on Saturday 16th April. The Day was hosted by CALL Scotland in conjunction with the other main communication aid services in Sco...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 1st March, 2016
We have received an email from Magdalena Nowak, a Masters student at Dundee University, asking for parents of children with communication difficulties who may, or may not, use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) to take part in a survey. We hope that parents will be willing to take part...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 26th February, 2016
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is attempting to compile a list of the "50 Most Priority Assistive Products", stating that "We need more than a billion assistive products now and 2 billion by 2050." Based on the apparent success of the Essential Medicines List, the WHO has ma...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 23rd February, 2016
The Family Fun Technology Day on Saturday 16th April provides an opportunity for the families of children with additional support needs to find out more about how various forms of technology can help, particularly with regard to communication. The event is held at CALL Scotland, Moray House School o...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 15th February, 2016
Last week we retweeted a tweet about a new Pinterest board from US-based speech and language pathologist, Lauren S. Enders on "AAC: Engaging Apps for Implementation". (Pinterest is a web site that allows the user to bring together web resources and display links to them in a visual format....
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 15th February, 2016
ClaroPDF is an excellent iPad app for working with PDFs, particularly when you want to have text in a PDF read out to you, without losing the formatting in a file. It is also the only app that we know about that can use the iPad version of Scottish computer voice, Heather. We recently had problems w...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 16th December, 2015
CALL Scotland today launches our most comprehensive ever programme of webinars, with 17 scheduled for the first half of 2016. We have webinars planned for various iPad apps, communication, digital exams, speech recognition and other areas. Three presentations by guest presenters will provide opportu...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 16th December, 2015
The ModMath iPad app was developed by the parents of a child with dyslexia and dysgraphia to allow him to lay out mathematical problems neatly and legibly. Since it was first released around two years ago ModMath has acquired a reputation as a nice, easy to use app for laying out arithmetic on an iP...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 2nd December, 2015
Sandra and Craig have spent a day in Renfrewshire during each of the last two weeks delivering a Professional Learning opportunity in 'ICT and Dyslexia' for staff in schools. The first day focused on the use of ICT to support primary school pupils with dyslexia, while the second looked at it...
Posted by Allan Wilson on the 20th November, 2015
I've been speaking to parents and teachers about iPads at a number of events recently and have been struck by the number of people asking about apps to help with reading who don't know about the built-in 'Speak Selection' and 'Speak Screen' facilities. If all you want is to b...
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