Posted by Craig Mill on the 5th March, 2024
We are pleased to announce that you can now book your place for our annual ASL and Technology Online Conference 2024.
Now in our 25th year, this year's ASL and Technology Online Conference 2024 is designed to meet your Professional Learning needs in a focused and practical way. Each workshop is 40 minutes long and you can attend as many sessions as you like.
Three different workshops run in parallel so you can decide which one best meets your training needs and which is more appropriate to the learners you work with.
Last year's ASL and Technology online conference was our most successful conference to date, with over 360 participants attending and 21 exciting presentations from a range of suppliers and innovative practitioners across Scotland and beyond.
Feedback from last year's was very positive, for example;
Such a brilliant conference 2023 and so inspiring! Am developing digital Learning within my setting already and will pilot it with my young learners in the Support for Learning Base.
Thank you - this blew my mind as a teacher working in England - we are nowhere near working at the level you seem to be in Scotland.
Examples of workshops include technology, resources and strategies to support;
This annual event is a great opportunity to bring everyone together to learn, to share, to be inspired and to raise awareness of how Assistive Technologies can create improved educational and life experiences for our learners with Additional Support Needs.
To find out more and book your place, head over to our conference website.
Once a month we'll send you an email with news, research and thoughts, as well as training courses and free webinars you may wish to attend.
Our social media sites - YouTube, Twitter and Facebook