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Did you know that we have a huge archive of Professional Learning available?

Posted by Kirsteen Steven on the 20th November, 2024

Do you have an identified area of need for your personal or school professional learning? If so, it might be that we have already delivered training or hosted a relevant webinar that might be just what you are looking for.

It means that just a few clicks away could be the assistive technology or communication technology professional learning that you and your learners could benefit from!

Firstly, we have an archive of free webinars which you can search through either using keywords, or by filtering your results in terms of a particular ASN you are looking for. These are all a maximum of 30 minutes in length as well.

Where else can I look for Professional Learning?

We also have an extensive archive of our previous 30 and 60 minute online courses. These are either £20 or £30 each to purchase. Not only do you get a recording of the session, but you will also receive a wealth of resources that were sent out at the time of the course as well. These courses are organised chronologically, and you can see at a glance the area of content covered; Communication Support Needs, Dyslexia and Dyscalculia, Severe and Complex Needs, Additional Support Needs, Autism Spectrum Conditions and Physical Support Needs. If you have any questions before purchasing please don't hesitate to contact Kirsteen.steven@ed.ac.uk (our Training Co-ordinator).

If neither of these options seem quite right, could it be that you need a short self-paced learning module to work through? These are priced at £15 per module, per person.

We have options here of:

If your school or organisation would like to bulk purchase any of these modules this is something that could be discounted. Please get in touch with us at call.scotland@ed.ac.uk to discuss your specific requirements.

Technology to Support Additional Support Needs in Education

10-week short study online course

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